




Chicken Ramen Recipe With Napa Cabbage

Thursday, February 14, 2019 | February 14, 2019 WIB | 0 Views Last Updated 2019-02-14T15:30:50Z

If you don’t eat pork/seafood, this ramen recipe is for you.
It only contains chicken, napa cabbage, and seasonings.
Also, I am not using store-bought chicken stock. You can make broth quickly without the stock!
In this post, I wrote about what makes ramen differentiate itself from other soup noodle dishes. Well, it’s the presence of additional fat to your bowl, which the Japanese call tare (タレ). Because this is chicken ramen, I’ve included chicken fat, which if you are the Japanese, you call it 鶏油, and in New York, the Jewish people call it Schmaltz. Well, whatever the name is, fat is the flavor for the ramen!


0.8 pound pre-seasdoned chicken thighs
0.5 pound angel hair organic
0.5 pound napa cabbage organic
0.56 ounce soy sauce conventional


Preheat the oven to 375. Once ready place the thighs for 35 minutes. Meanwhile, after 20 minutes or so, start to boil water for noodle, it takes around 15 minutes. Once you see the good amount of fat is being extracted from the chicken, take the skin off, and toss the meat with bone as well as the fat to a pot (leave a bit of the fat for your bowl of ramen), and by this time, the water should be boiling. Add a few packs of soy sauce, and toss noodle for around 1 minute. Turn off the heat, and add napa cabbage. Let it sit for another minute. Done! Repeat the process for 3 days. The broth will be gradually thicker.

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